Innovate Reports

We obtained Innovate UK funding including contributions from DFID matched by Gamos Ltd funds, to undertake more detailed market studies.  More details can be found here about our proposal (to be added later).

However, we are sure you are not so interested in our proposed plan of work as much as the results……..

The Global Market Assessment report can be found herereport cover


The Tanzania in-depth report as a working paper that may be updated can be found here

ecook tanz cover


Myanmar Multi-stakeholder Workshop Report.

The Myanmar Multi-stakeholder Workshop Report can be found here.

Myanmar workshop report


This report summarises the findings from four Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) held in Zambia, with the aim of informing the development of a battery-supported electric cooking concept, eCook

zambia fGD

Zambia Kick off meeting minutes

zambia kom

Tanzania Gender report – hey, this one is really very good.  (well they all are, but this one was written by Karen and is great)

ecook gender tanz

Zambia Design Challenge report

zm design challenge